Education1/11/2025 11:22:09 AM
The Republic of Türkiye is offering "Türkiye Scholarships" for international students at all levels of higher education, including Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD, and Research degrees. These prestigious scholarships provide an opportunity to study at leading Turkish universities across a variety of programs.
Education1/2/2025 2:52:49 PM
The Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES), with support from Australia through the Basic Education Quality and Access in Lao PDR (BEQUAL) program, has produced two new teacher development videos on classroom management and Lao language teaching techniques for non-Lao speaking students.
Education12/26/2024 2:37:49 PM
A ceremony to hand over bicycles donated by the China Foundation for Rural Development (CFRD) to Lao students was held in Vientiane, the capital of Laos, on Wednesday.
Education12/20/2024 10:44:39 PM
The 5th Book Festival and reading event was held on December 19 at the Lao-ITECC (old building, 2nd floor), Vientiane.
Education12/18/2024 4:53:44 PM
In every era, education is considered essential for everyone. It helps us become good citizens, develop our abilities, and serve as vital resources for the progress and development of all countries around the world.
In today’s globalized world, China has become a popular destination for Lao students seeking higher education, driven in part by the increasing presence of Chinese tourists, investors, and businesspeople in Laos.
Education12/5/2024 4:07:41 PM
Over a third of teachers in the Lao PDR teach multigrade classes with students from two or more grade levels learning together in the same classroom. It can be a difficult task, requiring teachers to adapt their lessons and divide their attention across different grades, while ensuring all students are engaged in the learning process and can achieve targeted learning outcomes. Multigrade classes can also be rich and rewarding learning environments as students of different ages and levels share in the learning experience based on their individual knowledge and experiences.
Education11/22/2024 1:35:02 PM
The resolution from the 10th Party Congress underscored the importance of advancing education reform, with a particular focus on developing human resources to meet regional and international standards.