President extends Pi Mai Lao greetings

12/04/2024 10:12
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ຂປລ (KPL) President Thongloun Sisoulith has delivered a New Year message to the public on the occasion of Lao New Year, also known locally as Pi Mai Lao (B.E. 2567) on Apr 9.

President Thongloun Sisoulith 

(KPL) President Thongloun Sisoulith has delivered a New Year message to the public on the occasion of Lao New Year, also known locally as Pi Mai Lao (B.E. 2567) on Apr 9. 
The president praised the spirit of national ownership, solidarity and efforts the entire Lao people have uphold and dedicated to implementing the policy and measures of the Party and government over the past year, Year of the Rabbit. 
He stressed that over the past year, the country continued to enjoy political stability with peace and order maintained in society, economy growing at a positive pace, investment and tourism on a recovery, and people’s living conditions gradually improving, thus forming the foundation for implementing the resolution of the 11th National Congress of the Party. 
He appreciated civil servants, armed forces, business community, entrepreneurs and the entire Lao people for their contribution to addressing difficulties and obstacles over the past one year, and expressed sincere gratitude to friendly countries and international organizations for the priceless assistance they have extended to the Lao PDR over the past twelve months.
He called on the entire Party, government, armed forces, and the entire Lao people to continue to promote the traditional solidarity, uphold national spirit and responsibility in pursuing their national protection and development cause.
The president urged all social strata to extend good hospitality to all foreigners who are visiting the Lao PDR, either for business or leisure purposes, during the Lao New Year, Year of the Dragon. 
The president also extended best wishes to countrymen, people of Lao origin dwelling overseas and foreigners residing and working in the Lao PDR for happiness and good health.



