(KPL) Asian countries have reaffirmed their commitment to push for the development of sustainable rural transport.
Clockwise: United Nations Centre for Regional development Director Chikako Takase, Minister of Public Works and Transport
Bounchan Sinthavong, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) Economic Affairs
Officer Madan B. Regmi, and United Nations Office for Sustainable Development Head Jong Soo Yoon (Vientiane, Mar 16)
(KPL) Asian countries have reaffirmed their commitment to push for the development of sustainable rural transport.
The Vientiane Declaration on Sustainable Rural Transport towards achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted at the 10th Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum in Vientiane on March 16.
“I hope the Vientiane Declaration will provide a meaningful framework for countries to develop required policies and programs, including financial mechanisms, to support the development of rural transport,” said Minister of Public Works and Transport Bounchanh Sinthavong.
“This Vientiane Declaration is an important follow-up of Asia countries in response to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” said Mr Bounchanh.
“I strongly believe that the Regional EST Forum in Asia has emerged as an important regional platform to discuss policy issues both in the urban and rural transport sector. The Lao PDR will continue to contribute to the success of this forum,” said Mr Bounchanh.
Mr Bounchanh highlighted that 29 mayors, city authorities and representatives from Asian and African regions signed the “Kyoto Declaration and its Addendum on the Promotion of EST towards Realising Resilient, Smart and Liveable Cities in Asia”. This is a remarkable demonstration of commitments by cities towards SDG No 11, which calls for making cities and human settlements safe, resilient, inclusive and sustainable.
The 11th Regional EST Forum in Asia will hosted by Mongolia.