42nd AMEM Opens in Vientiane

26/09/2024 13:46
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ຂປລ The 42nd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM), its associated meetings, and the 24th ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF-24), officially opened in Vientiane on September 26.

(KPL)  The 42nd ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM), its associated meetings, and the 24th ASEAN Energy Business Forum (AEBF-24), officially opened in Vientiane on September 26.

The opening ceremony was presided over by Phosay Sayasone, Minister of Energy and Mines of Laos, and attended by key government officials, including the Minister of Energy and Mines and Chairman of the 42nd AMEM and energy officials from ASEAN member states and dialogue partners.

In his opening remarks, Mr. Phosay Sayasone expressed his delight at gathering high-level leaders from ASEAN Member States, Dialogue Partners, and experts in the energy sector.

"Under the Lao PDR's ASEAN Chairmanship in 2024, this year’s theme is 'ASEAN: Enhancing Connectivity and Resilience,' highlighting the critical role of ASEAN energy integration in fostering economic and social development across the region. This also addresses climate change and supports the transition toward cleaner energy," he noted.

As ASEAN nears the final phase of the APAEC Phase 2 work plan, set to conclude in 2025, Mr. Phosay stressed the importance of reflecting on past accomplishments and the path forward to achieve ASEAN's shared goals.

Simultaneously, the 24th ASEAN Energy Business Forum, organized by the ASEAN Centre for Energy, is expected to serve as a key platform for high-level policymakers and business leaders to exchange insights and explore collaboration opportunities.

"In the next two days, through the 42nd AMEM and AEBF-24, I am confident that we will not only achieve productive outcomes but also further strengthen regional cooperation to ensure energy security and a sustainable future for all," said Mr. Phosay.




