Vietnam-Cuba Communist Parties to boost high-level agreements

01/03/2024 12:34
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ຂປລ (KPL/Prensa Latina) Leaders of the Communist Parties of Vietnam (PCV) and Cuba (PCC) agreed today to further promote the role of these organizations in advising and boosting the deployment of bilateral high-level agreements.

(KPL/Prensa Latina) Leaders of the Communist Parties of Vietnam (PCV) and Cuba (PCC) agreed today to further promote the role of these organizations in advising and boosting the deployment of bilateral high-level agreements.

The agreement resulted from an online conversation between the head of the VCP Central Committee’s Foreign Affairs Commission, Le Hoai Trung, and his Cuban counterpart, Emilio Lozada Garcia.

The interlocutors further patented the commitment to continue coordinating the elimination of existing barriers in order to foster binational ties in trade, production and investment, and favor the efficient operation of enterprises of the two countries, especially in the agricultural sector.

During the talks, the VNA news agency said in releasing the information, the two sides were briefed on the situation of each party and state, and reviewed bilateral cooperation and plans concerning the relations between the two political forces.

They also highlighted the collaboration between the Foreign Affairs Commissions of the VCP and the CPC, which contribute to fostering special friendship, expediting the implementation of the agreements sealed between the two parties, as well as allowed to ensure the success of the important collaborative activities deployed in 2023.

Among the latter, they mentioned the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the first visit to Vietnam and the liberated zone of the South by Cuban historic leader of the Cuban Revolution, Fidel Castro, and the holding of the 5th inter-party theoretical conference here.

Hoai Trung, for his part, was sensitive to the difficulties faced by the Cuban people, expressed certainty that the country will overcome the current difficulties and challenges and reiterated the support of the Party, State and people of Vietnam to the just revolutionary cause of Cuba.




