(KPL/VNA) Deputy Prime Minister Bui Thanh Son has signed a decision approving a programme on training and sharing knowledge on ethnic affairs for Lao and Cambodian officials.

(KPL/VNA) Deputy Prime Minister Bui Thanh Son has signed a decision approving a programme on training and sharing knowledge on ethnic affairs for Lao and Cambodian officials.
It aims to contribute to enhancing the capacity of Lao and Cambodian officials in performing their duties and responsibilities; and increasing the effectiveness of cooperation on ethnic affairs between the two countries and Vietnam; as well as promoting their friendship and all-round collaboration.
Its mission is to organise the compilation and development of training programmes and materials on ethnic affairs for Lao officials and Cambodian civil servants, tailored to different target groups. The content will focus on enhancing knowledge, developing skills, and improving capacity, in line with the practical needs in each country.
Each year, the programme will organise exchange activities and experience sharing between representatives of influential figures among ethnic minorities living along Vietnam’s borders with Laos and Cambodia.
It will also strengthen cooperation in developing plans, programmes, and materials; and collaborate with reputable training institutions in the two countries to organise training activities, share knowledge on ethnic affairs, and hold conferences, workshops, and experience-sharing exchanges in those countries.