Laos to have a satellite data management and service centre

24/06/2024 15:28
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KPL (KPL) The Ministry of Technology and Communications has signed an agreement with the Satellite Technology Co., Ltd to establish a national satellite data service and management centre.

(KPL) The Ministry of Technology and Communications has signed an agreement with the Satellite Technology Co., Ltd to establish a national satellite data service and management centre.

The agreement was signed in Vientiane last Friday between Head of the Technology and Innovation Department, Ministry of Technology Mr. Vilaysone Buppharath and Director of Satellite Technology Co., Ltd Mr Xu Lin Lin.

The partnership aims to develop satellite data services for public and private sectors to integrate and connect satellite technology networks for convenience, quality, and to increase the efficiency of public management.

Under the signed document, a BeiDou fully-equipped ground satellite station will be built in Vangvieng, Vientiane Province along with a service unit in Ban Don Tiu, Xaythany district, Vientiane. 

The document also stipulates the short-, medium- and long-term development of human resources in space technology, the provision of space technology information services for public use, along with map system services, BeiDou satellite data service, satellite-based mobile services, natural disaster warning services, satellite technology services for mining exploration and determination of mining concession areas, smart city management, land use management, environmental protection, aggregate extraction. 

A remote sensing centre, a GIS centre, and a GNSS centre will be also built along with weather monitoring stations.


