Kings Romans Chairman Holds Press Conference on U.S.’ Transnational Criminal Accusations

08/02/2018 14:50
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ຂປລ (KPL) Mr Zhao Wei, Chairman of Board of Directors of the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone and Chairman of Kings Romans Group held a press conference on the accusations made on Jan 30, 2018 by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury claiming the group is engaging in drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, bribery, and wildlife trafficking.

(KPL) Mr Zhao Wei, Chairman of Board of Directors of the Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone and Chairman of Kings Romans Group held a press conference on the accusations made on Jan 30, 2018 by the Office of Foreign Assets Control of the U.S. Department of the Treasury claiming the group is engaging in drug trafficking, human trafficking, money laundering, bribery, and wildlife trafficking.

The office claimed that the group is a transnational criminal that it will impose sanctions on.

“The accusations made by the US are groundless. The U.S. government’s unilateral sanctions on other countries and regions is unreasonable and ridiculous behaviour and for other purposes. Such behaviour has created profound misunderstanding for the world community thus causing unnecessary concern for a number of investors and visitors. The Golden Triangle Special Economic Zone and the Kings Romans Group strongly oppose such accusations. We would like all of you to uphold the reality and not to believe the rumour,” said Mr Zhao Wei. 

As an investor, I and relevant staff and companies running business in every country and region. All of us have proper and regular behaviours and businesses as we are inspected by juridical bodies or relevant authorities of the host countries and no damages have been caused for the interest of any countries and any individuals.

The Golden Triangle Zone is special economic zone established according to the approval of the Lao government and managed, monitored and inspected by the central and local administrations of the Lao PDR. The Golden Triangle Zone has developed for 10 years and its economic index has increased annually contributing significantly to the socio-economic development of the host country and this has been satisfactory to the government of the Lao PDR and people in the host communities. Many leaders, both local and foreign, including foreign ambassadors and consuls have visited in person this special economic zone. From now on, the special economic zone will invite foreign ambassadors to pay a guidance visit.

The Kings Romans Group’s investment and development strictly complies with the law and signed agreements. There are neither reasons nor motivations for us to run illegal businesses. On the contrary, we have cooperated with the government of Laos to prevent and combat strictly illegal acts. As for this, the juridical body of the Lao PDR has rights to give comments. The government of the United States, as a government of the superpower, should promote the development of the Lao PDR, especially the development in its rural areas, respect the reality, withdraw its false accusation and sanctions.

The Golden Triangle Zone welcome investors and visitors to visit, and give guidance advise. I would like to thank friends and business leaders for your attention and concern about the development in the region. I would like to take this opportunity to wish the coming lunar New Year brings you happiness and success in your tasks throughout the year.



