Sustainable Management and Funding Plan for Lao PDR National Parks Launched

25/09/2024 10:44
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KPL Following the Lao PDR government's adoption of a revised Decree on Protected Forests in June 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has introduced a comprehensive plan to manage and sustainably fund the country's national forests.

(KPL) Following the Lao PDR government's adoption of a revised Decree on Protected Forests in June 2023, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry has introduced a comprehensive plan to manage and sustainably fund the country's national forests. 

The plan is set to guide all stakeholders, including development partners, private sector actors, NGOs, social organizations, academics, and local communities, in implementing the decree.

Lao PDR's forests and biodiversity have long been under threat from deforestation and exploitation, which have worsened climate change impacts. In response, Mr. Somvang Phimmavong, Director of the Forestry Department, explained, “The management and sustainable funding plan for the National Forest Reserve has been designed comprehensively over a three-year period. It focuses on transitioning policy into practical actions to yield tangible results.”

The plan outlines specific goals, expected outcomes, activities, and budget requirements. It encourages active stakeholder participation in forest conservation and development, particularly through village-based forestry initiatives. This includes defining protected forest areas and usage rights, ensuring no-net-loss of biodiversity, supporting conservation-aligned businesses, and strengthening regulatory frameworks to attract responsible forestry investments.

In addition to improving the sustainable funding of national parks, the plan introduces financial mechanisms to ensure stable and efficient resource use. A key component is the establishment of long-term financial strategies to enhance access to funding.

Lao PDR currently has 26 national parks, six of which, including Nam Et-Phou Louey National Park, are under high-level management. These parks are home to rich biodiversity, including rare and endangered species.

The plan was developed with technical support from the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and financial backing from the European Union (EU) and the French Development Agency (AFD) under the Ecosystem Conservation through Integrated Landscape Management in Lao PDR (ECILL) project.


