Prime Minister receives President of Xinhua News Agency

08/12/2023 14:39
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KPL (KPL) Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone received here President of Xinhua News Agency, Mr Fu Hua during he attended the second Belt and Road Forum on December 7.

(KPL​) Prime Minister​ Sonexay Siphandone received here President of Xinhua News Agency, Mr Fu Hua during he attended the second Belt and Road Forum on December 7.

Prime Minister​ Sonexay said that Laos attaches great importance to the development of news, culture and tourism, and hopes to strengthen cooperation with China in these sectors in a bid to attract more Chinese tourists, according to the Xinhua News Agency.

Mr Sonexay said that the forum facilitated Laos-China cooperation in media, culture and tourism. Laos welcomes Chinese companies to visit Laos and help develop Laos' tourism industry.

Sonexay expressed his gratitude to China for the support and assistance it has been providing to Laos.

He said the Lao government supports the cooperation projects under the Belt and Road Initiative, and the opening of the Laos-China Railway has facilitated the movement of people and goods in Laos, promoting the development of local economy and trade.

He thanked Xinhua News Agency for its help in the development of the Lao journalism sector, and hoped that Xinhua and the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism of Laos would further strengthen cooperation to showcase the rich tourism resources of Laos and attract more Chinese tourists. 

Fu said the forum is one of the many important cooperation outcomes signed under the joint witness of the two countries' top leaders in October, and Xinhua will make its due contribution in serving the Belt and Road cooperation, boosting the building of the China-Laos community with a shared future, and deepening the friendship between the people of China and Laos.

Xinhua is willing to exchange and share with the Lao media in news gathering, economic information collection and service, personnel training, and provide assistance as much as it can, Fu said.

When Laos assumes the rotating chairmanship of ASEAN (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations) next year, Xinhua will focus on related activities and the achievements of Lao economic and social development, and widely report them through multi-language and multi-form channels.


