National Consultation Charts Path to Ending Child Marriage in Laos

18/09/2024 18:15
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KPL In a crucial step towards ending child marriage in the Lao PDR, the Government of the Lao PDR and partners launched on Sep 11 a national consultation process with various stakeholders to inform its programme on child marriage.
The consultation was conducted by the Government of the Lao PDR with the support of the Australian Government, UNFPA and UNICEF and is part of a broader regional initiative to the rights of girls.

(KPL) In a crucial step towards ending child marriage in the Lao PDR, the Government of the Lao PDR and partners launched on Sep 11 a national consultation process with various stakeholders to inform its programme on child marriage.

“Hidden in Plain Sight” is a joint programme led by the National Commission for the Advancement of Women, Mothers and Children (NCAWMC) in partnership with the Australian Government, UNFPA and UNICEF. It aims to end all forms of child marriage through policy interventions, community engagement and regional collaboration. 
“Our engagement in this consultation is pivotal. By involving all stakeholders—government, civil society, and youth—we can craft a nuanced and effective approach to tackling child marriage in the Lao PDR and ensure adolescent girls are given the opportunity to thrive,” said Ms Aly Vongnobountham, President of Lao Women’s Union, and Vice Standing President of NCAWMC, during her opening remarks at the consultation.
Child marriage remains a significant challenge in the Lao PDR, with the country having the highest rate of child marriage in the region.
Even though marriage below the age of 18 is prohibited, 30.5 per cent of young women in the country are married before the age of 18 (LSIS III). This percentage exceeds 50 per cent for women with limited access to education, ethnolinguistic groups, or those from the poorest quintile.
“The driving factors behind child marriage is often complex and highlights an urgent need for collaborative action to address the issue,” said Ms. Benita Sommerville, Deputy Head of Mission, Australian Embassy in the Lao PDR. “Australia is proud to be partnering with the Government of the Lao PDR, UNFPA and UNICEF through this joint programme to help protect the agency of girls as well as promote gender equality.” 
The programme is part of a larger regional initiative to address child marriage and will engage various stakeholders through a participatory process involving adolescent girls, their families, and key government and development partners.
“Ending child marriage and addressing early pregnancy can only be achieved through the coordinated efforts of multiple sectors and the unwavering commitment of all stakeholders. We believe that if every stakeholder and sector perform to their highest potential, if individuals and communities actively engage, and if we implement the most effective policies and institutional frameworks, we will prove that significant progress in ending child, early and forced marriage is not only possible but achievable in the near future,” said Dr Bakhtiyor Kadyrov, UNFPA Representative to the Lao PDR.
Mr. Bilal Durrani, UNICEF Representative to the Lao PDR, thanked the Australian Government for their support and reaffirmed UNICEF’s commitment to working hand-in-hand with the Government of the Lao PDR and partners to end child marriage. “It is crucial to listen to the nation’s youth, whose voices reveal the real experiences of adolescent girls,” he said.
The joint programme “Hidden in Plain Sight” is a four year project from June 2024 to June 2028. The inputs consolidated during this national consultation will contribute towards a regional consultation to be convened from 7 to 9 October 2024.

