Chinese Embassy in Laos Refutes Rumors on Water Release from Jinghong Dam

13/09/2024 10:49
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KPL On September 12, 2024, the Chinese Embassy in Laos issued an official statement addressing recent rumors circulating on social media regarding large-scale water release from the Jinghong Dam in China, which some claimed had affected Laos.

(KPL) On September 12, 2024, the Chinese Embassy in Laos issued an official statement addressing recent rumors circulating on social media regarding large-scale water release from the Jinghong Dam in China, which some claimed had affected Laos.

After careful investigation and verification, the Chinese authorities confirmed that the Jinghong Dam has been operating normally, with water being released at a steady and regulated rate. 

The embassy emphasized that the reports of large-scale water release are unfounded rumors. In fact, the recent heavy rainfall in Laos and neighboring downstream countries has led to rising water levels, not the operations of the Dam. The dam has actually reduced its water release volume, to only 30% of the average rate before the dam was built, further minimizing potential downstream impacts.

The statement also highlighted that only 13.5% of the total water volume in the Mekong River originates from China. Therefore, the effect on water flow downstream is minimal. The embassy reassured the public that the dam's role in managing water resources has been positive, storing rainwater during the wet season and releasing it during droughts to support downstream communities.

China remains committed to maintaining transparent communication with Laos and other Mekong countries on water management. In case of severe flooding or drought, China has previously offered assistance. Chinese organizations and citizens in Laos are also actively involved in supporting disaster victims across the country.



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