196 Clinics Face Closure Due to Failure to Comply with Laws

24/10/2017 14:53
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KPL (KPL) The Ministry of Health has ordered closure of one clinic in Vientiane and refused to extent licenses for other 195 clinics nationwide due to their failure to comply with applicable laws.

Manithone Keolangsy

(KPL) The Ministry of Health has ordered closure of one clinic in Vientiane and refused to extent licenses for other 195 clinics nationwide due to their failure to comply with applicable laws.

Minister of Health Bounkong Sihavong clarified healthcare issues to people’s representatives at the ongoing 4th Ordinary Session of the National Assembly’s 8th legislature on Oct 20.

As for efforts to address people’s complains about healthcare service, the Ministry of Health has held training for health workers at various levels to make sure they are professionally skilled, along with training on ethics and morals on a regular basis,” said Minister of Health Bounkong Sihavong.  

The minister also admitted that the commercial overstatement of the health benefits of medical products remains a challenge.

“We have issued an announcement warning and banning the commercial overstatement of food, drugs, and medical products. Warnings will be made whenever we find any food and drugs that are substandard or mislabeled. ​However, these products are advertised without the approval from the Ministry of Health through different media means such as online media, internet, direct sales, and sales networks, newspapers, radios, and televisions. It is necessary for us to work with relevant parties to address the issues,” said Minister Bounkong.


