(KPL) Latsavong Wanda Vista Hotel was opened today in the presence of Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone, his deputy Gen. Chansamone Chanyalath, President of Latsavong Development Co., Ltd Xen Bin, and representatives of relevant authorities.

(KPL) Latsavong Wanda Vista Hotel was opened today in the presence of Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone, his deputy Gen. Chansamone Chanyalath, President of Latsavong Development Co., Ltd Xen Bin, and representatives of relevant authorities.
Standing 138 m high and having 36 floors, the hotel is the tallest tower in the country.
Latsavong Plaza project was signed in late 2013 as a joint investment project between the Ministry of National Defense of Laos and Chongqing Real Estate Company of China. The project experienced delays in 2016 and during the Covid-19 pandemic. Investors attributed the project postponement to their financial difficulties.
Located in the heart of Vientiane, the Latsavong Plaza Project includes a five-star hotel, offices, apartments, health centres, shopping malls, entertainment centres, sport centres, international food restaurants.