Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam Parliamentary summit wrapped up with great achievements

06/12/2023 17:47
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KPL (KPL) Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam Parliamentary summit wrapped up here on 6 Dec with great achievements.

(KPL) Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam Parliamentary summit wrapped up here on 6 Dec with great achievements.

President of National Assembly, Mr Saysomphone Phomvihane said at the closing ceremony, based on the intentions and aspirations of the National Assembly of the three countries, the regulations for the CLV Parliamentary Summit have been set to conduct the CLV Parliamentary Summit together as a forum to discuss and exchange the results of the implementation of the role, rights and duties of the National Assembly in monitoring and encouraging the implementation of contracts, programs and projects of the governments of the three countries in the framework of Cambodia- Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV-DTA) cooperation.

The main content of the draft statement can be summarized as follows:

Fields of political and foreign affairs:

The governments of the three countries that have actively contributed to the implementation of agreements, programs and related projects in the field of political and foreign affairs with the aim of promoting peace, friendship, unity, peace, solving various problems along the border and cooperation for the sustainable development of the three countries, generally speaking, speaking specifically in the CLV-DTA cooperation framework.

Agreed to define some directions and plans so that the National Assembly of the three countries as a legislative body continue to implement the roles, rights and duties of monitoring and encouraging the governments of the three countries to evaluate the implementation of the work according to the CLV-DTA cooperation framework, learn lessons, continue to solve the outstanding problems and continue to implement programs in this area to be more efficient and effective, also propose to establish a cooperation mechanism in the cultural-social field to be considered for approval at the next CLV Parliament Summit.

Agreed to establish a friendship group of members of the CLV Parliament to promote socio-economic development and cultural cooperation, the details will be discussed and agreed at the next CLV Parliament Summit.

Areas of economic and cultural-social work

The governments of the three countries in the implementation of the economic integration program until 2030, the tourism development plan according to the CLV-DTA cooperation framework 2020-2025 and the vision until 2030 and encouraged the government to adopt the master plan for economic-social development until 2030 in the CLV meeting of the government that will be opened in the future.

The cooperation of the national parliaments of the three countries in monitoring and actively encouraging the implementation of the work of the governments of the three countries on creating an environment for policy, law and legislation, improving governance and state administration, encouraging investment promotion, trade exchange, transportation, infrastructure development, cooperation in the fields of education, health, culture, tourism and the promotion of cooperation, exchange and communication between people in the area of the CLV-DTA cooperation area.

Agreed to define some directions and plans for the national assemblies of the three countries to conduct joint monitoring and encourage the governments of the three countries to continue to implement the work according to the framework of economic and cultural-social cooperation by implementing the goals of the relevant action plan into the national economic-social development plan by allocating the state budget and obtaining funding and technical techniques from international organizations, development partners and the people to participate in the implementation of the goals and focus work plan to achieve success as defined.

Areas of National Defense-Peace Protection:

The achievements of the governments of the three countries in the implementation of agreements, programs and projects related to maintaining peace and order, solving the problem of border demarcation, suppression of drug trafficking, suppression of human trafficking, illegal immigration, terrorism, transnational crimes, recovery of unexploded ordnance, recovery and return of soldiers who died for the nation and solving natural disasters in order to make the border of the three countries a border of peace, friendship, stability and security People in the CLV-DTA cooperation border area.

Agreed to define some directions and plans so that the national parliaments of the three countries continue to monitor together and encourage the governments of the three countries to implement the work in accordance with the CLV-DTA cooperation framework, especially to continue to cooperate on the goals in the field of the CLV-DTA work mentioned above with the participation of the people to achieve the success as defined.

The First CLV Parliamentary Summit adopted the slogan Peace, Friendship, Unity and Cooperation for Prosperity and Sustainability and unanimously agreed to use it in the next CLV Parliamentary Summit which host by Vietnam.

The First CLV Parliamentary Summit is an important platform for discussion and exchange of opinions between the National Assembly and the governments of the three countries, create a good opportunity for the National Assembly, the government, international organizations and development partners to raise awareness and understanding of development within the framework of CLV-DTA cooperation, as well as seek cooperation in terms of funding and technical techniques in order to ensure the implementation of the project program within the framework of CLV-DTA cooperation to become a reality.

The joint statement drafting committee meeting was attended by representatives from the three National Assemblies of Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam.



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