Lao Front Website Readies to Serve General Public

11/11/2016 08:01
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KPL (KPL) The new website of the Lao Front for National Construction was launched yesterday to disseminate information, guidance, and the policies of the Party and Government to the general public.

By Malayluck

(KPL) The new website of the Lao Front for National Construction was launched yesterday to disseminate information, guidance, and the policies of the Party and Government to the general public.

The grand opening ceremony was held at the Lao Front for National Construction in Vientiane Capital on Nov 10 in the presence of the President of the Lao Front for National Construction, Mr Xaysomphone Phomvihane, and officials of the Lao Front for National Construction.

The new website will be a hub for communicating and linking information from members of the Lao Front for National Construction, local people in each of the provinces, and Lao people living abroad, said the Vice President of the Lao Front for National Construction, Mr Chanthavong Sean-amadmountry.

He said at a meeting that the new website would be available in the two languages of Lao and English.

The website is to present the long history of the Lao PDR, roles and duties, a diagram, and the vision and strategic plan of the Lao Front for National Construction.



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