French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Laos: a new chapter in Franco-Lao economic relations

19/09/2024 13:38
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KPL On 18 September 2024, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFL) in Laos was officially launched at a reception held at the French Embassy in Vientiane.

(KPL) On 18 September 2024, the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCIFL) in Laos was officially launched at a reception held at the French Embassy in Vientiane.

 This new structure, the creation of which was announced at the France-Laos Economic Forum in November 2023 in Vientiane, marks a major step in the development of economic relations between the two countries.

A Chamber of Commerce to support economic growth in Laos

The CCIFL has positioned itself as a key player in the Lao economy, aiming to encourage trade and stimulate industrial growth. Its role is to foster a business-friendly environment while strengthening the competitiveness of local companies on the international stage. As a platform for exchange between business and government, it is committed to supporting the sustainable economic development of Laos.   

CCIFL President Stéphane Gil brings a wealth of experience and recognised expertise to the position. Based in Laos since March 2020, he is the Managing Director of BIVAC Laos and Lao National Single Window (LNSW). Previously, he headed the Asia office of Expertise France for 8 years, and was in charge of developing French expertise and diplomatic relations in the region. He was also Director of the International Affairs Department at IGN France International for 14 years. 

Since July 2023, Mr Gil has been Foreign Trade Advisor for France on the Laos CCE Committee. Involved with the Lao government from the outset in drawing up the CCIFL licence, he is firmly committed to the effective implementation of this Chamber of Commerce.

One of the key players in the launch of the CCIFL is Jean-Pierre Grzelczyk, CEO of Savan Logistics and founder of Savannakhet Dry Port. As Vice-Chairman of the CCIFL, he played a key role in bringing this project to fruition. His company, Savan Logistics, is a key player in the logistics sector in Laos, thanks in particular to the strategic development of the Savannakhet Dry Port, which facilitates regional and international trade. 

Services offered by the CCIFL

The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Laos (CCIFL) offers a wide range of services designed to assist companies in their endeavours:

    - Business Consultancy: Market research, sector analyses and legal advice to help companies navigate the Lao economic landscape.

    - Trade Promotion: Organisation of trade fairs, trade missions and networking cocktails to encourage exchanges and partnerships.

    - Training and Development: Regular training programmes for local staff and conferences on the economy of Laos and Asia.

    - Lobbying and Representation: The CCIFL acts as a privileged interlocutor between the private sector and the government, defending the interests of companies. 

The launch ceremony was attended by Mr Sanya Praseuth, Chairman of the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Commission, various ambassadors and representatives of international organisations, as well as France's Foreign Trade Advisors. 

Hosting the ceremony, the French ambassador to Laos, Mrs Siv Leng Chhuor, reiterated her commitment to supporting French and Lao entrepreneurs, as a continuation of the 1953 friendship treaty between the two countries. 



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