China praises UN resolution on artificial intelligence

04/07/2024 08:33
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KPL (KPL/Prensa Latina) China noted the importance of the recent approval of a key resolution on cooperation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the United Nations, at the proposal of Beijing and supported by more than 140 countries.

(KPL/Prensa Latina) China noted the importance of the recent approval of a key resolution on cooperation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the United Nations, at the proposal of Beijing and supported by more than 140 countries.

Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Mao Ning explained that the initiative is centered on people, and promotes intelligence for the good and benefit of humanity.

According to the spokeswoman, the document emphasizes the need to increase the representation and voice of developing countries in the global governance of artificial intelligence.

The resolution calls for the creation of a fair and non-discriminatory business environment, and supports the central role of the United Nations in this effort, she said.

Mao added that the resolution encourages international cooperation and practical actions to help developing countries strengthen their capacities, with a view to achieving healthy and sustainable AI breakthroughs.

“As the driving force behind the resolution, China adopted a transparent, open and inclusive approach during debates, incorporated opinions and suggestions from various parties and overcame differences,” she said.

Mao emphasized that the initiative seeks to contribute to achieving the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and build a community of shared destiny for humanity.

“China is willing to strengthen exchange and cooperation with the international community, promote the implementation of the resolution, and help the concerned countries speed up the development of their artificial intelligence capabilities under the framework of the United Nations,” she reiterated.


