Naseng-Wayo Renewable Resources and Investment Co., Ltd. in association with UPC Vietnam (Singapore) held a groundbreaking ceremony last Thursday to mark the installation of the first meteorological tower (Met Mast) in Nathou village, Phine district, Savannakhet Province.

(KPL) Naseng-Wayo Renewable Resources and Investment Co., Ltd. in association with UPC Vietnam (Singapore) held a groundbreaking ceremony last Thursday to mark the installation of the first meteorological tower (Met Mast) in Nathou village, Phine district, Savannakhet Province.
The tower will carry instruments that measure wind speeds and other wind characteristics. The data collected will be used for a feasibility study of the wind farm project.
More meteorological wind masts will be built in the project areas in Vilabouly and Atsaphon districts.
The groundbreaking ceremony was attended by the Governor of Phine district, Mr Soutchai Xayyavong; Deputy Director of the province’s Energy and Mines Department, Mr Bounta Jamala; an official from the provincial Department of Resources and Environment; and also from the Savannakhet Provincial Administrative Office; Naseng Wayo General Director, Mr Khamsavath Bounvilay; Director of UPC Vietnam (Singapore), Mr Lam Minh; and Phine district authorities, representatives of Nathou village.
The investor has complied with the government's regulations and international standards with regard to the project.
All of the necessary procedures were completed before the start of the installation, which included a site survey to assess the suitability of the tower’s location, along with design and engineering of the tower.
Decisions were taken concerning the transportation of the tower and associated equipment, checks were made for unexploded ordnance (UXO), and the project management ensured there would be no impact on forested areas at the site.
The installation of the tower was strongly supported by village, district, provincial and central authorities and the necessary permits and certificates were given.
The project investors provided funding for the repair of roads in local villages and districts to improve travel conditions in the rainy season.
Naseng-Wayo Renewable Resources Development and Investment Company Limited in collaboration with UPC Vietnam (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (NSW-UPC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Lao government on November 13, 2023, which gave the go-ahead for a feasibility study of the proposed wind farm in Vilabouly, Atsaphone and Phine districts of Savannakhet province.
The power generated in the form of clean energy will be sold to Thailand and Vietnam.
The interim feasibility study report has been submitted and the project management team is in the process of signing project development agreement (PDA) with the Lao government.
Despite challenging weather conditions during the rainy season, including floods and difficult road access, the investors have demonstrated determination to complete installation of the met mast by the end of September.
AusLao Group Co., Ltd. (as the UXO clearance contractor) and VREE (as the Met Mast contractor) are providing essential support for the project.