China exports more EV motorbikes to Laos

01/11/2023 14:51
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KPL (KPL) China has recently exported electric vehicles (EV) motorbikes to Laos, and expected the leading share market in Laos.

By Phetsamone Phommouny

(KPL) China has recently exported electric vehicles (EV) motorbikes to Laos, and expected the leading share market in Laos.

Lin Shaohua, Deputy Director of the Gangbei District in Guigang City gave an interview to the Lao News Agency last month that, this year, our new EV motorcycles production was exhibited in Laos, Singapore, the Philippines, and other countries, to attract a large number of local enterprises and residents.

She also urged Lao government to encourage Lao people to use EVs because it is a friendly environment and easy to ride.

“Now we have more than 100 models such as electric bicycles, electric mopeds and electric high-speed motorcycles since the China-ASEAN New Electric Vehicle Production Base was established in 2015,” said Shaohua.

Shaohua further said that we are looking to increase exports to the ASEAN region, especially through its China-ASEAN New Vehicle Production Base in Guigang city of Guangxi province.

At present, the base has introduced more than 100 Chinese new energy electric vehicle enterprises such as Emma, Luyuan, Tailg, Lima, Zuboo and OPAI. And more than 50 enterprises have been completed their production.

According to an annual report, it has produced over 5 million two-wheeled EVs, 500,000 three-wheeled EVs and 5 million EV parts.

“The China-ASEAN new energy EVs production has become one of the major EV industrial clusters in China, with products sold in ASEAN countries and other countries,” Shaohua said.

In 2022, the trade volume of China-ASEAN new energy EV production reached more than USD 8.7 million.

At present, new energy EVs have been exported to Thailand, India, Netherlands, Nepal, Peru, Costa Rica and Madagascar.


