(KPL) On Oct 15 was held the 5th conference of the Global South e-Health Observatory. For the fifth consecutive year, AUF is a partner on this day dedicated to the contribution of Information and Communication Technologies in improving access to health for the most disadvantaged populations.
A day to understand how Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are transforming access to health in Africa and Asia

(KPL) On Oct 15 was held the 5th conference of the Global South e-Health Observatory. For the fifth consecutive year, AUF is a partner on this day dedicated to the contribution of Information and Communication Technologies in improving access to health for the most disadvantaged populations.
In these times of health crisis, the 2020 edition was devoted to the role of digital tools in the fight against epidemics. Plenary sessions to bring together experts, field stakeholders, international organizations, ministries and NGOs are organized at the Pierre Fabre Foundation's headquarters in Lavaur, France.

This day is also an opportunity for the Observatory to present and reward, the five most promising e-health initiatives of 2020. These initiatives, which cover a wide range of health thematics, include technologies such as smartphones and connected caps to provide care to populations even in the most isolated areas of the world.
This international conference was broadcast live and streaming on the Observatory's website and in Francophone digital campuses around the world thanks to the support of the AUF.

Created in 2016 at the initiative of the Pierre Fabre Foundation, the Observatory has become a reference platform to connect actors of today and tomorrow who, thanks to innovation, meet the challenges of health access in low- and middle-income countries, right up to the "last mile". The Observatory's mission is to identify, document, promote and help develop e-health initiatives that improve access to quality care and medicines for the most disadvantaged populations in resource-limited countries.

Over the past five years, more than 160 initiatives have been referenced, 34 of which have received one-year technical and financial support.
The conference was organized in partnership with the Agence Française de Développement (AFD), the
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), the Fondation de l'Avenir and the Asia eHealth Information Network (ACHIN).