Lao Students To Take Part In Exchange Programme In Japan

16/10/2019 15:09
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KPL (KPL) Nineteen Lao university students on Oct 14 departed from Wattay International Airport bound for Japan to participate in the exchange program on environmental and disaster prevention under the framework of JENESYS 2019, which is supported by the Japanese Government.

(KPL) Nineteen Lao university students on Oct 14 departed from Wattay International Airport bound for Japan to participate in the exchange program on environmental and disaster prevention under the framework of JENESYS 2019, which is supported by the Japanese Government.

The participants will stay in Japan from October 15 to 23.

The programme focuses on the measures for environmental protection and natural disaster prevention in Japan.

The 19 students were selected from among the 200 applicants by the selection committee which comprised of representatives from the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Lao PDR and the Embassy of Japan in the Lao PDR.

The students will visit Tokyo and Hiroshima prefecture, which is located in the southwestern part of Japan. Hiroshima is widely known to be the first city in human history to have an atomic bomb dropped on. This city has since achieved an impressive recovery from the tragedy.

In late June through mid-July 2018, the central and western areas of Japan which included Hiroshima was devastated by torrential rains triggering landslides and floods. Despite overwhelming damages, the residents banded together and continued efforts to rehabilitate and improve on effective disaster risk management and safety measures. And the Typhoon Hagibis hit Japan last weekend to cause a lot of damage in many places.

Japan is now working together to steadily carry out full-fledged recovery work in the disaster-stricken areas.

During their stay, the students will visit many environmental protection and natural disaster prevention facilities. They will also visit some historic landmarks and experience a homestay with some local Japanese in order to further deepen their understanding of Japan’s society, history and diverse cultures.

In 2007, JENESYS, or Japan-East Asia Network of Exchange for Students and Youths, was created to promote people-to-people relations exchange programme that links Japan and the Asia-Pacific countries. The Japanese Government plans to invite about 120 young Lao people to Japan for the 2019 fiscal year.


