25 Lao students awarded Japan’s government scholarships

16/03/2023 15:01
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KPL (KPL) On March 16, a send- off reception was held at the residence of Ambassador of Japan to the Lao PDR for the 25 Lao students preparing to advance their studies in Japan under the government of Japan’s MEXT(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) scholarship.

(KPL) On March 16, a send- off reception was held at the residence of Ambassador of Japan to the Lao PDR for the 25 Lao students preparing to advance their studies in Japan under the government of Japan’s MEXT(Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology) scholarship.

Over the last 30 years, the Japanese government has accepted more than 1,000 Lao students to study in Japan under various scholarship programmes , the students mentioned above had passed highly competitive examinations and screening conducted by the embassy of Japan and MEXT.

They are expected to pursue their education in their respective courses of study, whether in graduate, undergraduate, technical and professional schools.

Ambassador of Japan Kobayashi Kenichi expressed his wish that the students will visit various areas of Japan and exchange with many Japanese people, introducing them to the beautiful nature and rich culture of Laos.

He also encouraged them to continue to engage with Japan on their return as a bridge between Laos and Japan.

Following the remarks from Mr Kobayashi, Ms Latdavone Vilaysouk who will undertake postgraduate study and Mr Syvanonh Boualaphanh, who will study as undergraduate student, spoke on behalf of the current MEXT scholarship awardees and expressed their gratitude to the government of Japan for the generous scholarship, as well as their renewed determination to study hard in Japan.

The reception was attended by Minister of Education and Sports Phout Simmalavong and President of the Lao-Japan Friendship Association, and other honorable guests including officials from relevant organizations and Lao returnees from study in Japan.


