PM Sonexay Receives Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee

30/07/2024 18:46
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KPL (KPL) Prime Minister Mr. Sonexay Siphandone received a courtesy call from the Chief Executive of China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr. John Lee, and his high-level delegation in Vientiane on Jul 29.

(KPL) Prime Minister Mr. Sonexay Siphandone received a courtesy call from the Chief Executive of China’s Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Mr. John Lee, and his high-level delegation in Vientiane on Jul 29.

PM Sonexay warmly welcomed the guest and highly valued his first visit to Laos as a significant step in promoting the relations and cooperation between Laos and Hong Kong. The discussions covered areas of mutual interest such as economy, trade, investment, tourism, and education.

PM Sonexay emphasized the importance of the Laos-China traditional relations and the comprehensive strategic partnership based on the four-good principle and the Laos-China Community with a Shared Future. This relationship has been further strengthened by the recent signing of the Action Plan on Building the Laos-China Community with a Shared Future in a New Era (2024-2028) by leaders of the two countries.

Both sides noted that this strategic document will serve as a fundamental basis for further strengthening bilateral relations between the Parties and states of Laos and China in the future.

The premier expressed appreciation for the results of Mr. Lee’s bilateral meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Saleumxay, noting their comprehensive discussions on various areas to elevate the relations and cooperation between both sides.

During Mr. Lee’s visit, up to 12 documents were signed, which will serve as references for promoting relations and cooperation in investment, trade, mutual assistance on tax, and educational opportunities for students of Vientiane Secondary School at Hong Kong universities.

On this occasion, PM Sonexay urged Hong Kong businesses and tourists to invest in and visit Laos, especially during Visit Laos Year 2024.

On May 7, 2024, Laos and Hong Kong launched once-a-week direct flights between Vientiane and Hong Kong to promote people-to-people exchanges, investment, and tourism between Laos and Hong Hong.

In response, Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee expressed his willingness to work closely with the Lao side to raise bilateral relations and cooperation between Laos and Hong Kong to new heights, particularly through the implementation of the MoUs signed during his visit to Laos.


