Don Xing Su, a popular tourist destination

19/04/2024 16:15
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KPL (KPL) Ban Don Xing Su has become a new popular tourist destination in Vientiane yet many people don’t know where it is.

(KPL) Ban Don Xing Su has become a new popular tourist destination in Vientiane yet many people don’t know where it is.

For many years, Don Xing Su had been just a small village with only 4-5 households. It is located in the middle of the Mekong River in Sikhottabong district, Vientiane. It has a total area of 133.29 hectares.

Don Xing Su currently has a population of 253 people grouped into 56 families. Most people in the village are engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry and fisheries.

Ban Don Xing Su is full of charm. It has a long history and rich culture.

People tend to visit Don Xing Su on holidays and vacations. On the weekends, visitors can be seen standing in a long line along the Mekong shore waiting for boat tickets. Each ticket costs 25,000 kip for back and forth.

Wat Phaya Nak (Naga temple) is located in this village. The temple is a must visit in Don Xing Su. It is an old temple with stone Buddha statues dating back to the Xay Fong era. Yet it has a new Dhamma Hall rebuilt in B.E. 2544. Beside the hall there is an old pillar, a part of the former Dhamma Hall.

Most people visit Don Xing Su not only for praying for blessings but also for experiencing the traditional way of lifestyles. While the majority of the villagers rely on fisheries and agriculture, some people ply the Mekong on a daily basis for their jobs or bringing products to sell in mainland Vientiane.

The temple boasts old stone Buddha statues, believed to be made in the Xayfong era, the same time with those installed at Wat Inpeng, another revered temple of Vientiane. 

Mr Khamsone, an owner of a ferry in Don Xing Su said that since the beginning of his ferry services five years ago, the number of people and visitors using ferry services has been on a rise with around 300-400 visitors plying the Mekong on week days and up to 500-600 people on the weekends. People love to visit Don Xing Su because it has a beautiful beach and peaceful areas.

Some 700- 800 visitors were expected to visit Don Xing Su per day during the celebration of PI Mai Lao (Lao New Year) B.E. 2567.


