Phone users need to re-register SIM cards

23/06/2020 15:00
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KPL (KPL) The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has issued a notice urging phone users to re-register phone and internet SIM cards from Jul 1, 2020. Phone users can register their SIM cards in three different phases with phase one scheduled for Jul 1 - Nov 30, 2020. No new SIM cards can be used without registration during phase one.

(KPL) The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has issued a notice urging phone users to re-register phone and internet SIM cards from Jul 1, 2020.

Phone users can register their SIM cards in three different phases with phase one scheduled for Jul 1 - Nov 30, 2020. No new SIM cards can be used without registration during phase one.

Phase two, between Dec 1-31, 2020, allows phone users with unregistered SIM cards to receive coming calls but neither to make outgoing calls nor surf internet. Emergency calls can be made using unregistered SIM cards.

Phase three, beginning from Dec 31, 2020, will have all unregistered SIM cards removed from the system of network providers.


