Law on Alcoholic Beverage Control Implementation Assessed

20/09/2024 16:54
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KPL On September 19, 2024, a meeting was convened to assess the implementation of the Law on Alcoholic Beverage Control, chaired by National Assembly Vice President Khambay Damlath. The meeting included members of the National Assembly’s Culture and Social Commission and officials from relevant sectors.

(KPL) On September 19, 2024, a meeting was convened to assess the implementation of the Law on Alcoholic Beverage Control, chaired by National Assembly Vice President Khambay Damlath. The meeting included members of the National Assembly’s Culture and Social Commission and officials from relevant sectors.

NA Vice President Khambay noted that while the law has been in effect for nearly a decade, it has not undergone significant revisions or comprehensive evaluations. In recent years, the regulation of alcoholic beverages and alcohol consumption has faced challenges, with a lack of consistent oversight.

"Excessive alcohol consumption has had negative impacts on public health, contributing to chronic diseases, accidents, and rising crime rates," said Mr. Khambay.

The National Assembly has mandated the committee responsible for assessing the implementation of the alcohol control law to organize this meeting in cooperation with the Ministry of Health.

"This evaluation aims to summarize lessons learned, address current challenges, and propose recommendations to strengthen law enforcement, increase public compliance, and foster a culture of respect for legal frameworks in Lao society," Mr. Khambay added.

This assessment marks the first coordinated effort with the Ministry of Health and other relevant agencies to address the obstacles and challenges identified.

The findings from the evaluation will be presented at the upcoming meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee and the 8th Ordinary Session of the National Assembly's 9th legislature for further consideration and approval.



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