Kasikorn Bank Vientiane in cooperation with the Lao Telecomm has launched a QR code-based payment service “QR KBank” in Vientiane Capital
By Malaylack Syphaphay
(KPL) Kasikorn Bank Vientiane in cooperation with the Lao Telecomm has launched a QR code-based payment service “QR KBank” in Vientiane Capital.
Launched at Kasikorn Bank Vientiane on Apr 25, QR KBank payment service is a new smart phone feature designed to facilitate mobilephone-based payment for goods and services.
“We began to experiment on “QR KBank" application in December 2018 at Khouadin Market and we have received positive feedbacks from buyers and sellers. Since the launch of our experiment, more than 1,500 people and around 900 shops have used our service in Vientiane Capital,” said Mr Pattanapong.
The bank aims to have the number of QR KBank users reaching 120,000 to 150,000 by the end of this year.
“Today, in the Lao PDR, mobile phone internet uses is likely to grow by at least 15% per year. This means that people in Laos are ready for this digital age,” said Lao Telecomm Deputy Director General Piyawat Jriyasetapong.
QR KBank is downloadable at App Store and Google Play.