First Solar Power Plant in Laos Kicks Off Operations

08/02/2017 15:29
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KPL (KPL) The first solar power plant in Laos, with production capacity of 10 MW per year, has come into operation.

Solar power plant at Changsavang, Naxaithong district,
Vientiane Capital, Feb 7, 2017

Malayluck Sipaphay

(KPL) The first solar power plant in Laos, with production capacity of 10 MW per year, has come into operation.

The grand opening of the plant was officially held at the plant location, Changsavang village, Naxaithong district in Vientiane Capital on Feb 7 in presence of the Minister of Energy and Mines Mr Khammany Inthirath.

EDL-GEN Solar Power in collaboration with the EDL-Generation Public Company hold 60 percent of shares while the Pure Power Development Company Limited holds 40 percent, said the Managing Director of EDL-Generation Public Company, Mrs Rattana Prathoumvan.

The construction, representing a total investment of US$3.4 million, started at the end of 2015, by utilizing modern solar panel technology.

Currently, 43 completely built hydropower plants have installation capacity of 6,300 megawatts per year and are able to generate 33,000 kilowatt-hours.

The transmission line grid, covering 86.50 percent of total villages nationwide and supplying them with access to permanent electricity, has a total length of 55,000 km and includes 55 substations.

By 2025, the Lao Government will push for the proportion of renewable energy production to be at least 30 percent of total energy consumed, in which solar power and other renewable energy sources are expected to generate about 144 MW hours in Lao PDR.

