Indonesia to convert waste into fuel, power in 30 big cities

17/03/2025 09:36
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KPL (KPL/VNA) Indonesian Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Yuliot Tanjung said that the Government is targeting to process waste into fuel and electricity in 30 big cities by 2029.

(KPL/VNA) Indonesian Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Yuliot Tanjung said that the Government is targeting to process waste into fuel and electricity in 30 big cities by 2029.

He added that each city can produce around 20 megawatts of electricity. The products obtained from waste processing will not be limited to electricity but also include fuel oil, which will be produced using pyrolysis technology.

According to the official, waste can be converted into electricity and fuel oil through integrated waste processing with the help of technology.

Earlier, the Ministry of Environment informed that the acceleration of waste utilisation into energy is expected to support waste management efforts in regions, supported by new regulations regarding electrification.

The government is unifying three presidential regulations related to waste management to support the utilisation of waste to produce electrical energy through waste power plants (PLTSa).







