Australia supports emergency preparedness efforts in the Lao PDR

12/09/2024 16:25
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KPL - Asean 2024 On 12 September, Ms Megan Jones, Australian Ambassador to the Lao PDR handed over eight tonnes of humanitarian relief supplies for disaster response to Mr Leepao Yang, Vice Minister of Labour and Social Welfare at Wattay International Airport.


(KPL) On 12 September, Ms Megan Jones, Australian Ambassador to the Lao PDR handed over eight tonnes of humanitarian relief supplies for disaster response to Mr Leepao Yang, Vice Minister of Labour and Social Welfare at Wattay International Airport.

The humanitarian relief supplies were delivered via a Royal Australian Air Force aircraft as part of Indo-Pacific Endeavour (IPE24) – led by the Australian Defence Force – an Australian whole of government initiative that supports defence cooperation with countries in the region, including Laos. “With eight tonnes of relief supplies positioned within the country, the Government of the Lao PDR will be able to respond rapidly and effectively to support communities impacted by natural disasters or other emergencies. Australia is pleased to assist the Lao Government as it responds to natural disasters,” said Ambassador Jones.

This is the third year in a row that Australia has provided pre-positioned humanitarian relief supplies to Laos. The consignment, valued at AUD95,000 (LAK1.4 billion), includes: 224 hygiene kits, 80 kitchen kits, 400 blankets, 240 bed nets, 400 sleeping mats, 448 tarpaulins, 224 shelter tool kits which will benefit more than 200 families.

These are essential items for communities in the aftermath of a disaster. “Effective preparedness is critical in protecting communities and livelihoods. We are grateful and appreciative for Australia’s continued support to the Lao PDR in responding to disasters. These humanitarian supplies received today from the Australian Government are highly valued by the Lao Government. These items will help strengthen preparedness and response to disasters, especially floods in the rainy season,” said Vice Minister Leepao.

Australia has provided pre-positioned humanitarian assistance to Laos for the past three years. During monsoonal flooding in August 2023, Australia’s humanitarian relief was immediately mobilised to support the flood affected communities in three provinces, including Borikhamxay, Khammuan, and Savannakhet Provinces.

These relief supplies were delivered to Laos in 2022 through the IPE initiative.